Your Payment Day is the day of the week your rent will either come out of your account, be debited from your card, or be due at the Post Office. You can change this day to a day in the future, however the date you choose must after your next scheduled payment day.
1. Click the ‘Rent’ icon on your home screen.
2. Click the ‘Change Due Date’ button under your rent details.
3. Click the date section and select a new date from the calendar.
4. Click the new date and click ‘Ok’.
5. Once the new date is selected the tenant app/portal will advise you of the new amount due for the next selected due date.
6. Click the ‘Change Due Date’ button to save and update the new date.
PLEASE NOTE: Changing your payment day (or due date) may affect the amount of rent charged for your next payment.
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