Not sure how to create an invoice in OurTradie?
This article will show you step by step how to create an invoice from a work order, add materials, labour, supporting documents and photos, and how to submit it to the property manager.
1. Open the job offer by going to Work Order > Active at the top of the page.
2. The ‘Active Jobs’ tab will show you all your active jobs.
3. Click on the job you want to create an invoice for.
4. Click on the ‘Invoice - Work Items’ section
5. Type in your invoice number and job number.
6. To add a work item, click the ‘+ Add a new work item’ button.
7. A pop-up box will appear.
8. To invoice for an item, materials or labour select the option at the top and type in the details. You will be able to add more work items after.
9. Add as much detail as you can to this section. Whatever you type into the description boxes will show up on the invoice that gets sent to the property managers and landlords.
10. Click save in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up box and it will appear in the Work Items section.
You can add more work items by following the same steps.
11. To edit a work item simply click on the item description and the pop-up box will reappear.
12. Edit the work item, and then click ‘Save’.
13. To delete the work item, press ‘Delete’.
14. To add images, a note or any other information to the job, click the ‘Images / Additional Information’ section.
Here, you can do the following things:
Select the Maintenance Type at the top
Add a note and choose people to notify
Book a meeting with either the tenant or the tenant and property manager
Add images or videos of the job
View a history of jobs done at the property
Attach additional files (excluding quotes and invoices)
Attach contract documents and add additional contract text
15. Once you’re finished, scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Submit Invoice’.
The invoice will automatically be created and sent to the property manager for approval.
16. The invoice will now move to the ‘Waiting’ section until it is approved for payment.
How to Create an Invoice in OurTradie Video
This video will guide you through the step on how to create your invoices in OurTradie.
Invoice Maintenance OurTradie Support SA
invoice maintenance maintanance support sa ourtradie tenant tenent
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