Are you in arrears or got rent due that you would like to pay now? You can do this in the OurTenant online portal as well as the app.
The Pay Now option is enabled for Direct Debit, Card, and Wallet payment methods.
1. Log into your App or online portal at
2. Click the 'Rent' section at the top of the screen, then click 'Rent' again from the dropdown list to open your rent details page.
3. If you have rent due or overdue you'll see a 'Pay Now' button below your rent info.
4. Press 'Pay $amount Now' to pay the full amount owing
5. To pay a different amount, press 'Change Amount'
6. Type in the dollar amount you wish to pay towards rent - this can be less or greater than the amount owing.
7. Press 'Pay $amount Now'
8. Confirm the payment method to initiate the transaction
Payments Rent Support Arrears
arrears rent payments support
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