- Introduction
- Section 1- Accessing OurTradie Integrations
- Section 2- Linking your ServiceM8 Account
- Section 3- Account Settings
- Section 4- Functionality Overview
- Section 5- Main Functionality
- Known Problems
The OurTradie-ServiceM8 Integration allows you to manage OurTradie jobs from within ServiceM8. This includes:
Responding to Job Offers and quotes (Accepting, Rejecting, providing quotes)
Job Scheduling
Payments, and
Sending and receiving notes and site photos
Click here for detailed tutorial videos on how to use the OurTradie-ServiceM8 Integration.
Section 1 - Accessing OurTradie Integrations
- Ensure OurTradie account has been set to Quote/invoice style = Complete. Change can be made via OurTradie > Profile > Quote/invoice style
Register or Log in to your OurTradie account and click on the “Settings” icon at the top of the page.
Select the “Third Party Integration” tab.
Click the “Connect” Button
You will be redirected to a page asking you for Authorization.
Click “Authorize”.
Clicking “Cancel" will redirect you to OurTradie Integrations with an error message.
You will be redirected to OurTradie Integrations - Step 2: Authorise with 3rd Party Service.
Continue with Section 2.
Section 2 - Linking your ServiceM8 Account
Select “ServiceM8” from the drop-down menu.
Click the ServiceM8 banner.
You will be redirected to ServiceM8.
You will be asked to login if you have not done so recently.
You will be presented with a “This Addon isn’t verified” warning.
Click “Proceed”.
You will be presented with a permissions request page.
Click “Allow”.
Clicking “Cancel" will redirect you OurTradie Integrations with an error message.
Continue with Section 3.
To re-authenticate/change the ServiceM8 account that is linked to your OurTradie account:
Click the “Connected” button next to the ServiceM8 banner.
Click the ServiceM8 banner.
Repeat Steps 3-7 above.
Section 3 - Account Settings
Click the Settings button next to the ServiceM8 banner
Change the sliders and drop-downs as desired
Click the “Save Changes” button when finished
Automatically Sync Changes
Turns the integration on or off. If active, any job changes, including new jobs, will be synchronized to your ServiceM8 account.
Initial Job Status to Sync
The status a job must be before being synchronized to ServiceM8.
Quotes Only: Quotes can be completed and rejected from within ServiceM8. Offers must be accepted/rejected via OurTradie or Email.
Offers & Quotes (Recommended): Offers and Quotes can be accepted, rejected and submitted using ServiceM8.
Jobs Only: Only approved jobs will be synchronized to ServiceM8. Quotes and Offers must be accepted, rejected, and submitted via OurTradie or Email.
Combine Work Items
Combine ServiceM8 Work Items into a single item when submitting Quotes and Invoices to OurTradie.
Include ServiceM8 Quote/Invoice PDF
Include the ServiceM8 generated PDF when submitting a Quote or Invoice to OurTradie. The PDF will show the Work Items broken down, therefore if you have Combine Work Items turned on it is recommended that you turn this setting off.
Default Settings
Automatically Sync Changes: Yes
Initial Job Status to Sync: Offers and Quotes
Combine Work Items: Yes
Include ServiceM8 Quote/Invoice PDF: No
Section 4 - Functionality Overview
The OurTradie-ServiceM8 integration functionality includes:
Adding new OurTradie Offers and Quotes to ServiceM8.
Submitting Quotes.
Re-submitting quotes.
Synchronization of attachments (photos, videos, and documents) between OurTradie and ServiceM8.
Synchronization of Notes between OurTradie and ServiceM8
Scheduling job start and end times.
Re-scheduling job start and end times.
Submitting invoices.
Re-submitting invoices.
Marking invoices as having been paid.
The ServiceM8-OurTradie Offer workflow is as follows:
Property Manager creates Offers
User responds by:
Rejecting the Offer
Accepting the Offer
Provide a quote for the Offer
If quoting, the Property Manager will approve or deny the quote.
User schedules a time to complete the job.
User completes the work
User submits an invoice.
Property Manager approves or denies the invoice.
User marks the invoice as paid.
Job is completed.
OurTradie Integration uses the Notes section in the Job Diaries and creating Tasks as a way of communicating updates and procedures to the user. Keep an eye on the Notes and Tasks sections and follow the prompts as much as possible.
Actions made in OurTradie or ServiceM8 synchronized within 5-10 minutes of them being performed.
An OurTradie Menu is added to the Job Card which extends the ServiceM8 functionality.
Section 5 - Main Functionality
The flowchart below shows the workflow of an OurTradie-ServiceM8 linked job. The actions performed in OurTradie, by the property manager are shown in Blue; the ServiceM8 actions in Green. These workflows are described in more detail below.
Receiving and responding to Offers and Quotes
When a Property Manager creates a new Offer or Quote Request within OurTradie, it will be automatically be created in ServiceM8. The Job Diary window can be accessed through the “Dispatch Board” by double-clicking on the job in the right-hand pane or by clicking the corresponding “Open Job” button from the “Job History” tab. The following information will be included:
For Offers, the Job Status will be “Work Order”
For Quote Requests, the Job Status will be “Quote”
The Job Category will be “OurTradie Job”
Job Address
Job Description
The Customer is the Agency
Job Contact is the Tenant
The Billing Contact is an Contact created for the Agency.
A Client will be created for the Agency if there is not one already present in ServiceM8.
A Note will be present informing you how to proceed with the Offer or Quote Request.
Additional Notes may be present if the quote and/or invoice have extra requirements such as:
Requiring a photo or video to submit an invoice.
A quote may be requested if the total cost of the job is above a defined amount.
You can access more job details by using the “View OurTradie Job Details” Action in the OurTradie Menu.
Responding to an Offer
There are multiple options that can be taken when responding to an Offer:
Accept the Offer, complete the job, and submit an invoice.
Schedule a time to attend the job, complete the job, and submit an invoice.
Schedule a time to inspect the job, then reject the job afterwards.
Schedule a time to inspect the job, then provide a quote.
Quote on the Offer before attending.
Reject the Offer without attending or quoting the job – see “Rejecting a Quote/Offer”.
Accepting a Job Offer
You can accept a Job Offer by selecting the "Accept Job" button from the OurTradie Menu.
Alternatively, you can simply schedule a time to attend – see "Scheduling and Rescheduling Jobs" - and the job will be accepted. You will receive a Note: “You have successfully accepted this Offer.”
You can now:
Complete the job and Submit an Invoice.
Provide a quote - see “Submitting a Quote”, or
Reject the Offer - see “Rejecting a Quote/Offer”.
Responding to a Quote
Responses to quote requests include:
Submitting a Quote
Rejecting the quote request
Submitting a Quote
Open the corresponding Job Diary.
Click on the “Quotes and Invoicing” tab.
Click “Add Material/Service”.
Fill in the details for the work items (Code, Name, Quantity, Price).
Repeat Steps 3-4 until the quote is ready to send.
When finished, click “Produce Quote”.
A new window will open with a preview of the quote.
Nothing more needs to be done at this point as OurTradie Integrations will be notified and process the quote for the Property Manager.
You still have the option to Save, Print, Email and/or SMS the quote if you desire.
Close the quote preview window
Click “Save” on the Job Diary
[Optional] Provide an estimated date and time to attend the job
To provide an estimated date and time to attend the job, follow the “Scheduling and Rescheduling Jobs” section below.
If you do not complete this step, the quote will be submitted with an estimated date and time of 24 hours from quote submission.
Please note that you can schedule the estimated booking before producing the quote if you prefer.
If your OurTradie account is set to auto-generate work items, these will be automatically added to your ServiceM8 quote, along with the note: “OurTradie added to the quote”.
Rejecting a Quote/Offer
There are two ways to reject a quote or offer.
From the OurTradie Menu (Reject Quote/Offer Button)
Change the “Job Status” to “Unsuccessful”
Once processed, a Note will appear in the Job Diary “Job has been successfully rejected. You may remove this item from ServiceM8 now”. The job is now closed, and you may remove the job from ServiceM8 if you desire. It is possible to remove the job after Step 2.
Property Manager Rejects the Quote
The Job Status will be changed to “Unsuccessful”.
A note will be present in the Job Diary: “The property manager has recalled this quote/job.”
The job is now closed, and you may remove the job from ServiceM8 if you desire.
Property Manager Approves the Quote
The Job Status will be changed to “Work Order”.
You will notice any auto-populated work items, such as call-out fees, in OurTradie will be synchronized to the ServiceM8 quote along with a Note: “OurTradie added to the quote”.
A note will be present in the Job Diary: “The Property Manager has approved this quote."
Scheduling and Rescheduling Jobs
Job scheduling can be done in two different places. ServiceM8 expects you to complete scheduling from within the “Dispatch Board”, however scheduling can also be completed from the “Job Diary”.
After a successful booking, a confirmation note will appear in the Job Diary: “Booking for [Start Date & Time] – [End Time] received”.
Scheduling a job from the “Dispatch Board”
Calendar Tab
Select a date from the calendar on the left.
Drag the job onto the calendar in the desired timeslot.
A window will appear.
Select the duration.
Alter the date/time if desired.
Assign a staff member.
Click “Save Booking” when finished.
Staff Schedules Tab
Drag the job from the right-hand pane onto a staff member’s timeline.
The job start and end times can be altered by dragging the end of the job left or right.
Double clicking the job booking will open the scheduling window (see Calendar Step 3 above)
Scheduling a job from the “Job History”
Click on “Open Job” for the corresponding Job Diary.
Click the “Schedule” button at the top of the Job Diary.
A new window will open.
Select the staff member.
Select the duration.
Select the date.
Select the time.
Click “Save Booking”.
Close the Job Diary.
Rescheduling a Job from the “Dispatch Board”
Jobs can be dragged to new timeslots/staff members to reschedule the booking. Alternatively, bookings can be deleted, and new ones created in their place.
Rescheduling a Job from the “Job History”
Open the Job Diary for the corresponding job.
Find the scheduling in the notes section and hover the mouse over it.
An arrow will appear in the top-right corner of the scheduling note.
Click the arrow and select “Edit Booking”.
Make changes to the booking (see Job HistoryStep 3 above)
Property Manager Cancels the Job in Work Order state
The Property Manager may request that the job be cancelled after the quote has been approved.
A note will appear in the Job Diary:
“URGENT: The Property Manager has requested that this job be cancelled.”
You can respond to the request from the OurTradie Menu:
If you wish to approve the cancellation of the job:
Open the “Job Diary”.
Change the Job Status to “Unsuccessful”.
Click “Save”.
You will receive a confirmation note:
“Thank you for confirming the cancellation of this job.”
The job is now closed, and you may remove the job from ServiceM8 if you desire.
If the job cannot be cancelled without repercussions contact the Property Manager directly or use a "Rejection Note" - see below.
Property Manager Recalls the Job
The Property Manager may cancel the job after approving the quote.
The Job Status will be changed to “Unsuccessful”.
A note will be present in the Job Diary:
“The property manager has recalled this quote/job.”
The job is now closed, and you may remove the job from ServiceM8 if you desire.
Submitting an Invoice
Please note that some jobs may require a photo or video to be uploaded before the invoice is approved (if you have the Badges Add-on enabled, the “Request Photo” badge will be applied to the job). If this is the case, a note will be present when the job is synchronized to ServiceM8 and the invoice will not be accepted until you upload a photo or video - see "Synchronizing Notes and Attachments" below. After completing the job:
Open the Job Diary for the corresponding job.
Click “Quotes & Invoicing”.
Add any additional Work Items that may have been used during the job.
Change the job status to "Completed"
Once the Invoice has been processed by OurTradie (This may take a few minutes):
A note in the Job Diary will be present: “Please approve the invoice from within ServiceM8 Invoicing.”
Click the “Invoicing” tab, then the “Awaiting Approval” tab
Select the checkbox next to the Invoices you wish to approve.
Click “Approve”
A Note will be present in the Job Diary: “Invoice has been received. You will be notified once it has been approved for payment by the Property Manager.”
Property Manager Approves the Invoice
Open the corresponding Job Diary.
Three notes will be present in the Notes sections:
“This invoice has been approved (PO#)”
“Please add a Payment to this job once it has been received.”
“Payments can be added via the “Payment” button above.”
Property Manager Disputes the Invoice
Open the corresponding Job Diary.
A Note will be present in the Job Diary:
“Please resubmit the invoice for this job: [Reason for dispute]”
Amend the work items as necessary
Click the "Produce Invoice" button to resubmit the invoice.
Adding a Payment
Open the Job Diary for the corresponding job.
Click the “Payment” button at the top of the window.
A new window will open.
Add the details for the payment.
Payment Method Note/Ref
Click “Add Payment”.
You will receive a note in the Job Diary:
If it is a partial payment the note will read:
“Acknowledgement of payment receipt. Remaining Balance: $xx.xx” -
If it is the full or final payment the note will read:
“Acknowledgement of full payment receipt. This job is now closed.”
No more alterations can be made from within OurTradie for this job once the final payment has been received.
The job is now closed, and you may remove the job from ServiceM8 if you desire.
Synchronizing Notes and Attachments
Job Notes, Images, Videos and Documents attached to a Job Diary require your approval before they are synchronized to OurTradie.
Adding Job Notes and Attachments to ServiceM8
Open the Job Diary for the corresponding job.
For notes:
Type a note in the "Type a job note" box.
Click "Save Note"
For Attachments:
Click the paperclip icon in the “Type a job note” box.
A “File Upload” window will appear.
Select the file/s you wish to attach.
Click “Open”.
The note/attachment will appear in the Notes section in ServiceM8.
It will take a few minutes for the Note or Attachments to be recognized by OurTradie Integrations.
Approving and Synchronizing Notes and Attachments to OurTradie
Open the Job Diary for the corresponding job.
Open the OurTradie Menu
Click "Approve Attachments to Sync"
Clicking the thumbnail will open an enlarged version of the photo.
Clicking the filename will open the document.
Select the checkbox next to the Notes and/or Attachments you wish to sync
Click "Approve Attachments"
[Optional] Click "Synchronize Attachments"
If you choose to not synchronize attachments immediately, the items will remain approved, and the option to synchronize attachments will be available in the OurTradie Menu.
Please note: Items synced to OurTradie cannot be removed from within ServiceM8. You will need to log into OurTradie to remove the item/s.
Images and videos are uploaded to the “Images and Videos” section in OurTradie, all other accepted file formats are uploaded to “Related Files”.
Accepted file formats include:
Images: gif, jpeg, png, jpg, zip
Videos: mp4, avi, mkv
Related Files: pdf, xls, odt, doc, docx, ppt, bmp, txt, xlsx
Rejection Note
If the Property Manager requests the cancellation of a job after you have already begun work, you can reject the cancellation by posting a Rejection Note. Posting a note in the Job Diary with the tag [OT-reject] at the beginning will alert the Property Manager that you wish to reject the cancellation of the job. Anything after the tag will be sent along with the rejection. For example:
· [OT-reject] We’ve almost finished this job. It cannot be cancelled.
Manual Sync Notes/Attachments to ServiceM8
OurTradie Integrations checks for new Notes and Attachments added to OurTradie and synchronizes them to ServiceM8 every 30 minutes. You can force an update of a job by using the "Manual Sync Notes/Attachments to ServiceM8" option in the OurTradie Menu.
Known Problems
Measure and Quote: You cannot schedule a booking to measure/inspect a Quote Request before submitting a quote. If you attempt this, you will receive an error message and the booking will not be made in OurTradie. You must make the booking through OurTradie or message the Property Manager through the Job Diary to make the booking for you.
Job Creation: Jobs created by the user, in either ServiceM8 or OurTradie, cannot be synchronized - Only jobs created by the Property Manager will be synchronized.
Multiple OurTradie Accounts: Only one OurTradie can be linked with a serviceM8 account. Attempting to add multiple OurTradie accounts to the one serviceM8 account will result in synchronization issues.
If you would like to report issues with or provide any feedback on this integration, please contact us at
Email Inspection Invoice Lease Maintenance OurTradie Quote Request Settings Staff Support WA VIC SA
quotes invoice maintenance maintanance ourtradie email e-mail inspections lease settings staff support wa vic sa menu tasks
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