Removing the rent buffer will allocate the money being held towards your next rent payment and stop the automatic top up of funds when the balance is reduced. The money will be applied to rent when it is next due, it will not happen instantaneously. The buffer balance will continue to reduce until a $0 balance is left.
Only you, the tenant, can make this change, your property manager cannot remove the buffer amount on your behalf. Please contact OurProperty chat support if you require assistance.
How to remove the rent buffer
Log in to your tenant App or desktop portal to remove the buffer.
Select 'RENT' from the menu
Press the blue underlined text 'Rent Hold a Buffer $amount'
Press 'Remove' to confirm or 'Cancel' to go back
What happens next?
- When your next rent payment is due, your buffer amount will be reduced by the amount owed
- The buffer amount will continue to reduce until a $0 balance is owing
- You can set a new buffer amount before a $0 balance is reached - see How to pay and hold a rent buffer balance
Rent Support
rent support
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