By maintaining rent in advance, you will pay the extra amount you wish to be ahead and rent payments will continue as per your normal rent cycle. Your paid to date will move into the future for the period you have paid in advance, and the due date for rent is calculated as that many periods prior to the paid to date.
This process is controlled by you in your tenant app/portal and cannot be completed by your property manager. You must have existing Direct Debit (bank account) or Card details registered for rent payments before making extra contributions.
How to pay rent in advance
Log in to your tenant mobile App or desktop portal
Select 'RENT' from the menu
Press the button 'I want to pay more'
Select 'For Rent'
Choose 'Maintain Advance'
Enter in the number of weekly rent periods you wish to be paid in advance. For example, if you wish to be paid 2 weeks in advance, type in number 2.
If you pay your rent at fortnightly or monthly frequency, you must still enter in the advance number of weeks.
Press Submit
Confirm the advance frequency
You have now successfully set up to pay and maintain an advance in rent.
What happens next?
When your next rent payment is due, the amount of weeks worth of advanced rent will be added on top and charged with your regular rent payment.
Example 1, the regular rent amount paid is $1650p/month and maintain advance frequency is set to 2 weeks.
1 weeks rent = $380.77
The next rent payment amount will be $1650 + (2 x $380.77) = $2411.54
The paid to date will move 1 month + 2 weeks into the future.
The next rent due date will move 1 month into the future.
Example 2, the regular rent amount is $410p/week and maintain advance frequency is set to 3 weeks.
The next rent payment amount will be $410 + ( 3 x $410) = $1640
The paid to date will move 4 weeks into the future.
The next rent due date will move 1 week into the future.
You will be provided with a rent receipt for the amount of rent paid in advance.
If your regular rent payment fails you will not fall into arrears. Instead, your rent paid in advance will be utilised, and upon your next rent payment the total debit amount will include the funds to pay you back in advance.
Rent Support
rent support payments tenant tenent
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