The Manual EFT Tenancy wallet payment method provides you with bank account details to transfer your rent and invoice payments. You will receive new bank account details each time your rent is due. New account details will be provided in advance based on your payment frequency to allow enough time for payment.
This payment method incurs no fee to make the transfer. If there are insufficient funds in the wallet account up to 2 business days after the rent or invoice due date an insufficient funds fee of $15.00 may or may not be charged.
How to set up a Manual EFT Wallet
Log in to your OurTenant App or online portal
- Select 'Rent' from the menu.
- Choose 'Add Manual EFT' from the list of payment methods.
- Press 'Continue and set as default' or Cancel to go back.
You have now successfully initiated the set up for a Manual EFT tenancy wallet.
What happens next?
- For each new pay period your rent is due, you will be sent new bank account details to transfer the funds.
- Bank account details for the manual eft account will be visible in your OurTenant App to deposit funds for payment of your rent and invoices.
The day before rent is due, you will be sent an email reminder specifying the $amount due and your current account balance.
It is your responsibility to ensure you have enough funds in the account to cover the rent/invoice amount plus any fees.
The transfer from your bank account to the Manual EFT account can take up to 1 business day for funds to clear. Payments made by normal EFT bank transfer will be processed by the banks at 6:00pm (NSW time) and will appear as paid the following day. Payments made by Osko transfer will clear the same day.
- Rent and invoices will be debited from the tenancy wallet on their due date.
If your balance is less than the amount due an Insufficient Funds Fee may or may not be added to your next transaction. On the 2nd business day after the due date, the available balance will be deducted along with any incurred fees. Fees are paid first with the residual funds applied to rent or invoices.
If you fall in to arrears, your wallet balance will be checked daily and funds will be debited when your balance is greater than $5 more than any fees owing.
Invoices can be paid prior to the day they are due from the email notifications, and funds will be debited from the manual eft account.
wallet rent declined payment payments tenant tenent app invoice email e-mail fees transfer declined payment tenant app
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