Signing In
- Navigate to our Zendesk homepage.
- Click "Sign in" in the top right hand corner
- If you have never signed up for Zendesk before, you need to either:
- Click "Get a password" if you have emailed support before
- Click "Sign up" if you have not emailed support before
- Click "Get a password" if you have emailed support before
- Navigate to our Zendesk homepage.
- Once you have entered your details you will need to check your email for a password reset link.
- Clicking on this link will then prompt you to set up your Zendesk password.
- Once done you will be redirected back to our landing page on Zendesk with the Sign in link replaced with your user name.
I can't sign in using my OP details.
Zendesk is completely separated from OP. You need to set up a new password for use with Zendesk.
I have signed in, but I still can't access any articles sent to me.
Article access is based on your association with an agency using OP. Please contact support by emailing in to and requesting assistance. Please just advise us which agency you are associated with and we can set up that connection.
My tenants/landlord/tradies can't access articles I send them.
Not all articles are open to all users; some articles are for agency use only. You can see who can access an article based on the tags at the bottom of that article. There are two tags you'll see commonly:
- P: Agency - this means only users associated with an agency account can access this article.
- P: Open - this means any user can access this article, including your tenants, landlords, and tradies.
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