- Toremovethe previous organization access please follow these steps:
- To connect the new organisation in OurTradie follow these steps:
As at right now only one tradie can be connected to one organization in a XERO account. If you need to import invoices or change organisation you need to remove the previous organization connection to OurTradie and then you can connect it to new organization.
To remove the previous organization access please follow these steps:
Open your Xero account. Then open the Organization dashboard that you are already connected.
Click the 9 dots icon at the top right of the screen.
Click manage connection in that dropdown. Please refer the screenshot
Click the disconnect button to remove access from OurTradie.
Now you can connect the new organisation to your OurTradie account.
To connect the new organisation in OurTradie follow these steps:
Log in to your OurTradie account
Go to Settings > Accounting
Select Xero from the Account Type drop down menu
Press Get Account Details
Full step-by-step details on connecting Tradies account can be found in the help article below.
How to reconnect your Xero account
While connecting Xero give access to the new organisation by selecting in the drop down.
If you need further assistance, you can contact
OurTradie Support SA
ourtradie accounting support sa tradie
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